Men, don’t Forget Your PSA Test
March 7, 2017
by Mankato Clinic
One in seven men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. Among them are names commonly heard around Minnesota, including Gov. Mark Dayton and former Minnesota Twins Manager Ron Gardenhire. Prostate cancer is the second most common type of the disease among males. So, if you could have a routine screening that will show signs of the disease, wouldn’t you do it?
A simple blood test is used as a cancer screening tool that reads levels of the prostatespecific antigen (PSA) protein. In men, the protein is found in blood. A healthy prostate doesn’t always release very much PSA, so a higher level of the protein could be a risk factor of prostate cancer.
The PSA test, or prostate cancer screening, can help identify cancer prematurely, when medical treatment is most effective. In fact, a PSA test that shows higher levels of the protein in blood is the leading reason prostate cancer is detected in the United States.
It’s recommended that men have PSA screenings completed between the ages of 50-70 or age 40 with a family history of prostate cancer. Screenings should be performed once per year unless there is a low PSA and a mutual decision is discussed between the provider and patient. Check with your insurance provider to see if your coverage includes an annual screening after specific age.
In addition to the level of PSA found in the bloodstream, when evaluating the test, physicians also consider their patient’s age, size of their prostate gland, how quickly PSA levels are changing and whether a man is on medications that could affect their PSA measurements.
PSA testing remains a main tool for early detection of the disease, which will have nearly 200,000 newly diagnosed cases this year alone. Seek out your physicians recommendations on this possible life-saving test; it can help treat many prostate that otherwise may have gone undetected.
To learn ore information about prostate health and other topics important to men, we encourage you to join us at the Men’s Health Forum at the Mankato Country Inn and Suites, Tuesday, April 11.
Receive free health screenings and information.
Find out about strength training options to do at home.
What are healthy food options and how can they curb cravings?
Meet men who have been challenged with health conditions and want to share their experiences.
Learn more about how to get engaged in your own life, health and community.
Mankato Clinic Urologists, Dr. Michael James, “Guys —Let’s Talk About What You Are Avoiding—Your Prostate Health.”
Keynote Speaker John Kind, Executive Director of Mankato Family YMCA, “Change is Inevitable—Except from a Vending Machine.”
• Panel Discussion,“Real Men Take Care of their Health!” Hear what our panelists have to say about what it takes.
Space is limited. For more information or to reserve your space, register here or call 507-625-1811 by April 6, 2017.