You have unique health needs and we are here to listen, to support you and to care for you. We know that excellent care involves trust and comfort along with expertise. We are honored to be a partner in your health and to see you for everything from menstrual cycle issues to reproductive care, pregnancy, transgender health, contraceptives, breast health, perimenopause and menopause. Together, we can keep you thriving.
Main Street Clinic

Obstetrical Services
Whether you’re looking to conceive or are already pregnant, we are here to help keep you healthy and guide you through a safe pregnancy and delivery. Our full range of obstetric services includes:
- pre-conception counseling
- prenatal care
- family-based labor and delivery care
- evaluation and diagnostic services for complex obstetrical patients
- OB education classes
Pre-Pregnancy Care
Before you become pregnant, you may choose to schedule a pre-pregnancy care checkup to:
- Discuss nutrition, medications, supplements and lifestyle.
- Review health conditions, medical and family history.
- Make sure your vaccinations are up to date.
- Start taking prenatal vitamins.
- Decide whether you and your partner would like to have carrier screening tests for certain genetic disorders that may run in your family or ethnicity.
Check with your insurance on coverage for the preconception care checkup.
Pregnancy Care
You’re pregnant! This can be an exciting time and a baffling one too. Every trimester holds new milestones and symptoms, and we want you to be prepared for everything. The scheduled times you will see below for prenatal care are typical, but each person and each pregnancy is different. Your care here is personalized. If you feel you need to be seen sooner than your upcoming appointment, or you have questions that can’t wait for your scheduled appointment, we encourage you to call us any time.
507-389-8522Monday–Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.
After hours and weekends call 507-625-1811
Ask for the OB-GYN provider on call.
Prenatal Care
- Your first visit with us should be 9 to 11 weeks from the first day of your last menstrual period. If you can, bring your partner or a support person with you to this appointment as you will receive a lot of information.
- Prenatal visits will be scheduled every 4 weeks until you are 28 weeks pregnant.
- After 28 weeks, we will see you every 2 weeks until you are 36 weeks pregnant.
- After 36 weeks, we will see you every week until you deliver your baby.
Extra Support
First Steps is a community initiative to connect expecting parents to free or low-cost services and resources. You can meet with our First Steps coordinator in the OB-GYN department when you are here for your prenatal visits. We are here to answer your questions, find resources and services, and help you with the First Steps of becoming a parent.
Complex Pregnancies
During your first visit, we will review your health, pre-existing conditions, medical history and family history.
- We pay close attention to complications during past pregnancies, premature labor or delivery, and miscarriages.
- A pregnancy can be complex from the very beginning, or it can become complex.
- If your pregnancy is complex, we may recommend more frequent:
- Office visits
- Ultrasounds
- Fetal monitoring
- Lab tests
Helpful Information and Resources
During Pregnancy
After delivering your child
First Steps
Our obstetricians are dedicated to helping people build families. We are honored to care for surrogates who are carrying a baby for a couple or individual. Find out more about surrogacy and our fertility program. Read a blog from one of our obstetricians that dispels the myths surrounding surrogacy.
Our Providers