Join Us for Upcoming Events

Monday, October 17, 2016
Mankato Clinic is proud to be a part of a community that helps its residents thrive!
In October, Mankato Clinic physicians will be a part of VINE Adult Community Center’s speaker series that will be hosted Fridays through Nov. 4. With a subject for everyone, providers will speak 2:30-4:30 p.m., at 421 E. Hickory St.
• Oct. 14 Dr. Nataliya Danylkova, Mankato Clinic Eye Care Center, “The Mature Eye.” Age can bring changes to your eyesight, but there are things you can do to protect your vision.
• Oct. 21 Dr. Jeremy Berger, Mankato Clinic Surgery Department, “VNUS- A Less Invasive Option for Varicose Veins.” VNUS offers a non-surgical alternative to treating varicose veins.
• Oct. 28 Dr. Rachel Qualley, Mankato Clinic Dermatology Department, “Skin Conditions and Ailments in Older Adults.” Learn about ways you can protect your skin and to make it feel better.
• Nov. 4 Dr. Preman Singh, Mankato Clinic Internal Medicine Department, “Alzheimer’s – An Overview of Research Conducted.” Dr. Singh will share his experiences with Alzheimer’s and his research findings.
Please join us for these events, aimed to encourage community members to thrive throughout their lives. For more information on these events, and others, please visit