Mankato Clinic Foundation Announces Quarter Four Grant Recipients

Monday, October 24, 2016
To thank organizations that are helping support its mission, the Mankato Clinic Foundation has approved $31,700 in grants to 11 deserving organizations within the area.
Receiving grants for quarter four are: Mankato Family YMCA ($5,000), Miracle League of North Mankato ($5,000), Minnesota Brain Injury Force Inc. ($1,000), Leisure Education for Exceptional People ($3,200) YWCA Mankato ($3,500), Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota, Mankato ($3,500), Greater Mankato Bike and Walk Advocates ($4,500), Eagle Lake Elementary School ($4,000), Junior Achievement of Greater Mankato ($1,000), Mankato Curling Club ($500) and Minnesota Children in Need ($500).
Mankato Clinic physicians provide the majority of the Foundation funding as a way to give back to the community by providing support to organizations which strive to improve health and wellness in the communities they serve. Since 2008, the Mankato Clinic Foundation has provided more than $1,340,515 in grants and scholarships to worthwhile organizations, programs and projects.
The 11 organizations that received quarter four funding are living out the Foundation’s mission with the work they do and the Mankato Clinic Foundation is proud to support them.
Grants are awarded on a quarterly basis and are considered through an application process. More information and applications can be found at The next grant application deadline is Dec. 1, 2016.