Mankato Clinic Urgent Care Is Now a Safe Place for Newborns

Tuesday, February 07, 2017
Mankato Clinic Urgent Care locations are now operating under the Safe Place for Newborns law, which provides a safe and anonymous alternative for mothers to safely give up their newborns.
A Minnesota State law, a Safe Place allows mothers or someone with their permission, to leave their unharmed newborns, no more than seven days old, at a hospital or health care facility that provides urgent care or with an ambulance dispatched in response to a 9-1-1 call.
Minnesota began the Safe Place for Newborns law in response to tragedies involving abandoned newborns. In January 2017, the law expanded the number of safe places and lengthened the window of time in which mothers have the option to leave their newborns at a safe place under the protection of the law.
Now a safe and anonymous way to give up their newborns, mothers can enter Mankato Clinic Urgent Care locations at Main Street Clinic and Adam’s Street stating they want to leave their newborn under the Safe Place for Newborns law.
Confidentiality is protected for those choosing to give up their newborns. Staff will not share any information about the individual, but may ask the medical history of the mother and her newborn.