Mankato Clinic Pledges 100 Hours of Bell Ringing to Salvation Army

Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Mankato Clinic has pledged 100 hours of bell ringing to the Mankato Salvation Army. If the goal is met, Mankato clinic will donate $1,000 to the Salvation Army.
Mankato Clinic employees are signing up for two-hour shifts to ring bells at Mankato locations from November 17-December 20. As bell ringers, our employees and their families help improve the lives of people in need of shelter, food and clothing. By encouraging employees to volunteer and donating money to the Salvation Army, Mankato Clinic can double its efforts in the community.
In 2019, Mankato Clinic is launching an employee volunteer program. Employees can give their time to community organizations and Mankato Clinic will donate money to the same community organizations.
“We want our dollars to follow the passions of our employees,” said Ann Dempster, Mankato Clinic human resources administrator. “Bell ringing for the Salvation Army has been a tradition for many of our employees. This year, we decided to expand our commitment. Ringing bells for the Red Kettles is a great way to kick off our volunteer program.”
The Salvation Army Red Kettles have been a holiday tradition since 1891. The money raised is used to bring joy and relief to those in need throughout the entire year. Bell ringers change lives and strengthen the community.
Mankato Clinic challenges other businesses to “Register to Ring.” Visit