Mankato Clinic Foundation Helps Kids “Recharge”

Wednesday, April 06, 2016
The Mankato Clinic Foundation and neighboring school districs are partnering to educate about the importance of a healthy life with the help of a children’s book. The Foundation recently donated a copy of “The Rechargeables” to each of the 220 kindergarten through third grade classroom in the Mankato, St. Peter, Mapleton and Lake Crystal school district’s. “The Rechargeables” follows siblings Poppy and Simon as they discover what it takes to recharge themselves as they bring their entire village back to life.
“Tom Rath’s best sellers are the basis behind the Mankato Clinic’s community-wide health initiative Thrive – Eat, Move, Sleep,” Mankato Clinic Foundation President Marcia Bahr said. “The initiative is in conjunction with our centennial celebration and it’s our hope that the program will introduce more people, young and old, to a healthier way to live.”
“The Rechargeables,” a children’s version of Tom Rath’s book “Eat, Move, Sleep,” teaches children that eating better, moving more and getting healthy sleep can have a profound impact of the quality of each day.
“We’re committed to educating students about positive healthy lifestyle choices,” Heather Muller, director of teaching and learning for Mankato Area Public Schools said. “The Foundation’s contribution of books to young students is one way to help us do that.”
For more information on the Mankato Clinic’s initiative, and to start thriving, please visit