Women’s Health Forum

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Mary Ann’s journey was one of isolation. There was no community of support. The healing power of belonging did not happen for her in the midst of crisis. Instead, she found belonging in the long wake after the death of her young son. Mary Ann sought community to help heal her grief and in the hope of finding a new life purpose. It is not from the strength of other people that she found a willingness to keep going but rather, she found in community and connections a way to make meaning of where she’d been. Cecil’s journey to the United States started when she received a coveted lottery visa. As soon as she arrived in the US, she quickly realized that navigating her way in this new country wouldn’t be as easy as she hoped for. Cecil experienced many challenging and difficult things and worried that her American Dream was becoming a nightmare. She worried that maybe she didn’t belong here afterall. Her story changed dramatically after making a courageous move to Mankato when doors and opportunities were opened to her and many people like herself.