What is a sleep study?

A sleep study, also called a polysomnogram, is a test that records a patient’s physical state during various stages of sleep and wakefulness.  Sleep studies provide data that is essential in evaluating a spectrum of sleep disorders, such as sleep-disordered breathing (also known as sleep apnea), REM behavior disorder, periodic limb movements of sleep and narcolepsy. 

How do I know if it will help me?

It’s not normal to feel sleepy during the day, to have problems getting to sleep at night, or to wake up not feeling refreshed. 

Are there things I can do on my own?

Even if you’ve struggled with sleep problems for so long that it seems normal, you can learn to sleep better. You can start by tracking your symptoms and sleep patterns. Then you can try to remedy bad habits by making healthy changes to your daytime habits and bedtime routine. If self-help doesn’t do the trick, you can turn to our sleep specialists. Together, we can identify the underlying causes of your sleeping problem and find ways to improve your sleep and quality of life.

Are sleep studies painful?

The test is non-invasive and not painful. The sleep lab environment is dark and quiet, and conducive for sleeping. It will take the sleep technician about one hour to set you up.  However, the presence of the wires and electrodes occasionally affect the sleep of some patients. Patients with sensitive skin may notice mild skin irritation from sensor adhesives. If you are allergic to adhesive, please let us know in advance of your test.

How can I have a sleep study done?

If you think you are a candidate for a sleep study, talk with your primary care provider, who can start the referral process or call 389-8599 to talk to one of the Neurology nurses to see if you are a candidate for self-referral.