Jennifer Mittelstaedt

Jennifer Mittelstaedt - Care Management provider at Daniels Health Center

Personal Information & Interests

Jennifer Mittelstaedt is a native of Janesville, MN.

Expertise & Clinical Interests

Jennifer worked in the Anticoagulation Clinic and RN Medication Coordination before joining the Care Management team. She has previous experience working in assisted living, long term care, family planning and women's health clinic. Her clinical interests include mental health, women's health and pediatrics.



Mankato Clinic

Jennifer Mittelstaedt joined the Mankato Clinic in 2014.


About Jennifer Mittelstaedt

"I will work with each patient and family in an open and understanding way to help meet their healthcare goals."

Jennifer Mittelstaedt

Education / Specialty

Associate in Science Degree
Nursing, Riverland Community College, Austin, MN
Certifications, training and experience in
Mental Health First Aid, Anticoagulation

Jennifer Mittelstaedt

Personal Information & Interests

Jennifer Mittelstaedt is a native of Janesville, MN.

Expertise & Clinical Interests

Jennifer worked in the Anticoagulation Clinic and RN Medication Coordination before joining the Care Management team. She has previous experience working in assisted living, long term care, family planning and women's health clinic. Her clinical interests include mental health, women's health and pediatrics.



Mankato Clinic

Jennifer Mittelstaedt joined the Mankato Clinic in 2014.

Jennifer Mittelstaedt - Care Management provider at Daniels Health Center


Education / Specialty

Associate in Science Degree
Nursing, Riverland Community College, Austin, MN
Certifications, training and experience in
Mental Health First Aid, Anticoagulation

About Jennifer Mittelstaedt

"I will work with each patient and family in an open and understanding way to help meet their healthcare goals."

Jennifer Mittelstaedt