July 23, 2019

North Mankato Family Medicine providers are just one group of primary care providers at Mankato Clinic. Deb Schilling, PA-C; J. Andrew Miller, MD; Sagan Dobie, PA-C; Daniel Anderson, MD; Leah Briet, MD; and Amy Jo Sorensen, DO, are welcoming new patients.

A primary care provider (PCP) is your main provider who will complete your annual checkups and treat the majority of your healthcare issues. If you are diagnosed with a more complex condition, your primary care provider can refer you to a specialist and follow your care and treatment. 

Here’s what a primary care provider can do for your health. 

  1. Trust. When you see the same primary care provider for check-ups and medical issues, you develop a strong patient-provider relationship. The result is open and honest communication. Knowing you better and working together, your provider can create the right treatment plan for you. 
  2. Live Longer. One study shows adults who have a primary care provider have 19% lower odds of premature death than those who only see specialists. Primary care providers often catch health issues early in routine check-ups. Early treatment can prevent more serious problems and improve your overall health.      
  3. Healthcare Coach. In the event of a diagnosis such as depression, diabetes or heart disease, your primary care provider can refer you to specialists who can best address specific problems. Your PCP is like a coach who can see the whole field and will continue to oversee your care, keep track of your appointments and follow your treatment. 
  4. Build Your Health History. When you have a primary care provider, your health history will be more comprehensive. Your health history contains important information – current medications, family history, medical conditions, immunizations, past medical issues and so much more. A comprehensive health history gives you and your provider the big picture.   
  5. Prevent Disease. Prevention is still the best medicine. Primary care providers prevent disease by ordering routine blood tests for diabetes and cholesterol, and recommending health screenings. To prevent health conditions, primary care providers encourage patients to eat healthy, exercise and maintain a healthy weight.

One more thing. People who have a primary care provider save 33% on healthcare costs compared to their  peers who only see specialists according Primary Care Progress. 

Do you have a primary care provider? Learn more about our providers who are welcoming new patients.